With teak forests located mainly in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes, Teak Resources Co. stands out for its native forests protection in Brazil. Reports from 2018 shows that 46 of the 114 thousand hectares under TRC’s management are permanent preservation areas and legal reserves.
According to the Brazilian Tree Industry (Ibá), the forest plantation average in Brazil is 0.7 ha of protected areas for every 1 ha of planted trees. TRC, however, maintains 1.1 ha of protected areas for every 1 ha of planted trees, protecting 57% more forests in Brazil than the sector’s national average.

Preservation is more than an obligation.
You may ask: “Why do companies preserve?”. Law No. 12,727, approved in 2012 within Brazilian Forest Code, requires not only forestry companies but any rural property owner in Brazil to protect areas by maintaining their native vegetation and restricting their usage. For Teak Resources Co., however, preservation is more than an obligation. It is part of its role as a forestry company, committed to the environment and society.
Our activity not only restores degraded soil from over-exploitation and fosters tree planting, but also provides employment opportunities and contributes to the economic development of communities near teak plantation farms, located in remote areas of large urban centres.

We drive the economy by offering quality teak wood to the domestic and international markets. We are part of a sector that reflects 6.1% of the industrial GDP of the country, moves 73.8 billion Brazilian reais annually, has about 3.7 million employees and invests another 6.7 billion in forests and industry.