Teak is a large tree, native to the tropical rainforests of Asia, adapting easily to the regions of equatorial and tropical climate of Brazil.
Teak wood is recognized by the world timber industry for its quality and appearance, demand for planted teak has increased significantly in recent years. Its characteristics allow it to be used for various purposes such as furniture, kitchen items, civil and naval construction.
What stands out most is its natural durability and stability. Teak wood has properties that give it resistance to attack by fungi and insects and resistance to the actions of weather, such as sun, rain and heat.
Treatability: Presents low permeability to preservative solutions when subjected to impregnation under pressure.
Workability: The teak is easy to plan, turn, drill, sanding and gluing. However, the presence of Silica can cause tool wear.
Drying: Drying is slow with the occurrence of very few defects.