USP Lectures, a program that brings renowned researchers to the University of São Paulo in order to promote the exchange of ideas and broaden access to scientific discussions, talked about the forest management in its last edition, on September 10, at the Luiz de Queiroz School of Agriculture (Esalq), USP, Piracicaba.
The discussion, which was given by the director of the Institute of Systematic Botany of New York, Douglas Daly, addressed the location of the timber extraction yards; cutting methods and other important factors for the sustainability of the management of wood products, as well as the DNA-based molecular identification of plant species, near infrared spectroscopy and illustrated interactive identification keys for certain geographic regions.
Daly also spoke about the importance of identifying existing plant species to combat illegal timber trade. To this end, it is developing a cataloging project of Amazonian species. According to him, it’s only possible control legal management if you know how are the native species.
In addition to this project, Daly said that he will send a proposal to the National Bank for Sustainable Development to study six areas of environmental conservation in Brazil and to empower the surrounding communities, both for the recognition of plant species and for sustainable management. “The idea is that they can not only work in these places, but become partners [of the conservation],” he explained.

Sustainability is a key factor for the management of planted forests and trading of legal timber. With FSC certitified TRC invests in research and development of techniques that improve the productivity and quality of its teak wood following all environmental standards.