A comprehensive study on silviculture in the national and international markets was made to compose a strategic plan for the Brazillian agribusiness productive chains, which also addressed beef, rice, fish farming, soy and corn.
The analysis took into account the development of the market in ten years, from 2006 to 2016, showing a trend of worldwide expansion of forestry, with growth of 5.3% in the production of wood products, even after the crisis of 2009. In 2016, a total of 3.7 billion m³ of wood was produced, distributed in 168 countries.

“Many of them [the main producers] have modified their forestry practices over the years: China, for example, has greatly increased its share, including Canada over sawnwood consumption,” says the study. Not only has China increased its demand for wood, it is one of the countries that most buy Brazilian products.
Speaking of exports, the worldwide was 130 million of m³ in 2016, with the top five countries accounting for 45% of this total. Brazil exported the equivalent of US$ 10.4 billion in the analyzed period.
“The growth in timber production was fueled by the increase in the area destined to planted forests in Brazil,” the study reports. From 2011 to 2016 there was a growth of 5.6% in the Brazilian production of wood products.
Overall, the data point to a promising perspective for forestry, both in Brazil and internationally. The popularity and growth of planted forests worldwide has come to add to both the supply of forest products and the restoration of the environment. TRC is part of this scenario, producing certified teak wood to grant the national and international markets, always focused on sustainable management.