Experts indicate teak solid wood furniture
The decoration of outdoor areas requires special care in the choice of furniture, after all only being beautiful is not enough, it must be durable and resistant. Therefore, many experts recommend furniture in solid teak, cumaru or ipê wood.
Among the three species, teak wood is the one with the greatest resistance to fungi and insects, as well as to rot caused by the weather. Also, teak wood has the longest shelf life, while cumaru wood has a shelf life of 12 years and ipê from 8 to 9 years, teak furniture can exceed 20 years when properly cared for.

It’s possible to find numerous styles of teak wood furniture made especially for outdoor areas. At the time of purchase, you only need to pay attention to two details. Firstly, is to check if the cushions and fabrics that may accompany your furniture are also impermeable. Secondly, is to check the product certification to ensure that you are purchasing legal teak wood.
Always keep in mind that when buying any piece of wood, you should always ask about its origin. By buying certified products you are protecting the environment and forests!

The teak marketed by TRC comes from reforestation, cultivated according to the standards of sustainable management of the Forest Stewardship Council – FSC. Learn more about teak wood and our products.