Naturally, Teak has a great environmental and geographical diversification, and can be found in India, Myanmar, Thailand and Laos. Although it is the same species of tree, the Teak found in each of these countries has a different genetic composition, considering that the trees of each territory are adapted to their respective climatic conditions.
Consequently, Teak planted forests also have genetic variations that will influence the performance and quality of the tree and the wood. We talked the previous week about the importance of conservation of teak gene banks, in this publication we will talk about the challenges that natural forests are facing.
In 2010, the total area of natural teak forest in the countries mentioned was only about 29 million hectares. Half of this number can be found in Myanmar, where natural forests are declining thanks to legal and illegal deforestation. While in Laos, growing stocks have declined thanks to population pressure, crop change and forest fires.
In India, forest degradation is due to overexploitation for local uses and cattle grazing. Already in Thailand, natural forest has declined with economic growth, agricultural expansion, invasion, illegal logging, shifting agriculture and wildfires.
In order to combat this scenario and guarantee genetic material for the continuity of both natural forests and planted forests, IUFRO * recommends researching the silvicultural system practiced in these regions, strengthening actions against illegal logging and encouraging sustainable management.

Important to know
Currently, Teak is planted in more than 60 tropical and subtropical countries. It is one of the main noble woods of the market.
TRC, one of the world’s leading companies, exports teak wood from Brazil to several countries, offering proven teak wood and maintaining a firm commitment to the sustainability of operations.
*Source: IUFRO – International union of forest research organizations
Post Photo by Ann Wang for Mongabay